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Your bridge to the
next stage of Growth

Personify is the personalized, all-in-one marketing & sales platform designed to grow with your business.


Admissions & CRM

Transform your manual admissions process into an efficient, automated enrollment system.

Get a unified view of your prospective students’ journey, from initial interest to enrollment—no more juggling multiple spreadsheets.

Marketing Platform for Education

Your command center for every marketing tool you need, all in one place.

Effortlessly integrate and automate your school’s marketing. Manage your website, emails, social media, SMS, and more for cohesive, effective outreach to your community.

Advanced Analytics for Schools

Gain clear insights into what’s effective with our comprehensive analytics.

Utilize reports, funnel visualizations, and educational metrics to refine your marketing and admissions strategies, ensuring you make data-driven decisions.

Dedicated to Your School’s Growth

We believe in supporting your expansion without extra costs.

Forget platforms that charge more as you grow. We celebrate your success without tying it to increased subscription fees.


Bridge to Educational Excellence

all-in-one marketing & admissions platform designed to evolve with your educational institution.

Looking for a specific feature? Enrollment Funnels Delivers. View Full Feature List

Sales & CRM for Schools

  • Robust CRM Tailored for Education
  • Admissions Pipeline Tracker
  • Automated Workflow Management
  • Detailed Enrollment Funnels
  • Proposal and Document Management
  • Payment and Donation Processing
  • Parent and Student Scheduler

Marketing Made Easy

  • Custom School Website Builder
  • Email Campaigns for School Events and Newsletters
  • SMS & MMS Updates for Parents
  • Unified Social Media Management
  • Enrollment Forms and Surveys
  • Integration with Google & Facebook Ads


After just one month of using Enrollment Funnels, our weekly parent inquiries jumped from 350%. It’s transformed how we reach and engage prospective families.

Happy School Admin

“After just one month of using Enrollment Funnels, our weekly parent inquiries jumped from 350%. It’s transformed how we reach and engage prospective families.

Happy School Admin

Your Enrollment Funnels Transformation

From manual to magical: Automate and centralize interactions, turning every touchpoint into an opportunity for student engagement.

From scattered to streamlined: Unify your messaging across channels for consistent communication that resonates with families.

From basic to insightful: Harness detailed analytics to turn data into actionable strategies that enhance both marketing and admissions efforts.

From constrained by costs to freely flourishing: Our pricing model supports your growth without penalizing success.

Learn More

Natural Flow

Sed cursus turpis vitae tortor donec eaque ipsa quaeab illo.

Hot Looks

Nemo enim ipsam volup tatem quia vol uptas sit sunt in.

Awesome Design

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis placeat facere.

Unrivaled Quality

At vero eos et lorem accusamus et iusto ullam corporis.

Visual Builder

Ipsum totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo.

Ton of Features

Incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam ali quam quaerat.

Don’t let delays hold you back from achieving educational excellence.

Have you realized that makeshift systems no longer support your growing educational needs?

Enrollment Funnels is crafted for this pivotal stage in every educational institution’s journey—it’s the bridge from your current state to your future goals.

Personalized Strategy
Sessions at No Cost

Experience Enrollment Funnels first-hand in a personalized session with our educational marketing experts. We’ll tailor the platform to your institution’s needs and get you started confidently.

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Schedule FREE Strategy Session